Sunday, July 6, 2008

Coffee (186)



Dogeared said...

Girl after my own heart! (well I'm not a coffee drinker, but I am a devotee of the Starbucks Signature Caramel Hot Chocolate!)

I like the colours and composition - the contrast of white bags and black background's a good idea! (you've heard of chiaroscuro, right? That springs to mind here).

Linda Judd said...

Helen, I, too, am not a coffee drinker, though my husband is. Still, every Sunday morning, before church, we go to Starbucks for coffee (for him) and either hot choc. or a vanilla creme for me. Mmmmm.

I had NOT heard of chiaroscuro, but I went out on the Internet and educated myself a bit. I see why you applied it here.

Julie M said...

Excellent composition, Linda. And admit, I love Starbucks...

Deb Campbell said...

Don't you wonder what people are thinking when we whip our cameras out to get a shot for a theme in a public place like this? I see people look at me like "what's the big deal about the postcard rack" ha ha. nice compostition here.

Linda Judd said...

Deb, YES! I'm always a little embarrassed when I take a picture of something in public, especially something that no one else would consider a subject for a snapshot. But, I'm getting over it! I think you have to, in order to do all 366 themes in a year!

Linda aka Elemobe said...

Great angle. Colours are wonderful too, suggesting a warm wonderful ambience supping coffees, chatting and relaxing.

Love coffee shops, never used to until the arrival of Costa, Starbucks and the like.