Thursday, February 14, 2008

Fruity (47)

Our son came to dinner tonight, and this was the Valentine's Day cake we had for dessert. Mmmm, it was good - fresh strawberries on top, and a custard cream between the layers. I had fun doing a "border breakout" with Photoshop Elements. (PS - Yes, the strawberries really were that huge. It was an 8" cake, and you can see how few it took to cover the top!)


Julie M said...

Looks yummy. Nice breakout!

Lisa B said...

Yum! that looks delicious and great breakout too.

Michelle said...

Oooo that looks good. Nice breakout.

suzanne productions said...

That looks so good! Can't believe how big the strawberries are. Nice job on the breakout, Grammom