Friday, January 4, 2008

Pasta (6)

*This pasta salad has been a favorite in our family for years. I asked my son, Tim, if he wanted me to bake a cake or a pie for his birthday dinner tonight, and he said, "Neither. I'll finish off the pasta salad for dessert."

Here's the recipe:

Broccoli Cauliflower Pasta Salad
1/2 head cauliflower, chopped into small pieces
Equal amount of broccoli, also chopped into small pieces
2 cups macaroni shells, cooked and cooled
1/2 lb. bacon, fried crisp and crumbled

1 cup Mayo
1/2 cup vinegar
1/2 cup sugar
salt and pepper to taste

Mix dressing ingredients together and set aside.

Combine cauliflower, broccoli and macaroni. Add dressing to salad, and mix well. May be refrigerated, if desired, at this point (so you can make it up ahead of time). Just before serving, stir in the bacon pieces.


Dogeared said...

Sounds yummy! I might have to give that a try (though maybe less cauliflower, and more broccoli for me).

Anonymous said...

I'll definitely have to try that. It looks so good!
Happy Birthday, Tim!

Anonymous said...

OK, you 366 Photos for 2008, bloggers, I am here to tell you that this salad is the absolute BEST!! Linda gave this recipe to me years ago (I still have it in her own handwriting) and we LOVE it in the summertime at our BBQs etc. I am not really a cauliflower or broccoli lover but this salad is delic!

She has other great recipes your way through Christmas on her very addictive Almond Roca.

(Linda, I don't know if I ever told you how much we love that pasta salad. Yes, I will write an endorsement when you publish your cookbook complete with pics! I guess I've been around toddlers a mite too long...would it be too much trouble for you to add Scratch and Sniff areas on the pictures in your cookbook?

Nana in the north

Linda Judd said...

Gloria, I'd probably disappoint you, these days. I don't cook or bake like I used to. Once both boys were out of the nest, I got l-a-z-y! Also, I still can't bake at this high altitude (Albuquerque is a mile-high city, like Denver) the way I could in Oregon or Alaska. Things just don't turn out the same.

Lisa B said...

Linda, this is a delicious photo :)

Kelsey said...

It is yummy! Looks like I've been doing it a little wrong though. I didn't know you put cauliflower in it. Or let the pasta cool first. Or put the bacon in right before serving.

It must be pretty forgiving because it still tastes pretty yummy even with a few errors. (And your son must be pretty forgiving, because he's never corrected me on it. Such a sweetie, that son of yours.)

Linda Judd said...

Kelsey, I had yours at Christmas, and it was delicious. So don't change anything you're doing! :-)

It is, indeed, a forgiving recipe. I don't measure anything except the ingredients for the dressing, which I sometimes increase by half.

Anonymous said...

Linda and Kelsey and others,

Yes, the salad is great days later when the bacon has been in for a while and I don't measure anything except salad dressing mixture either. That is part of the beauty of this recipe (and the pic, of course!) doesn't matter too much..which is great. Linda, I have never LOVED to cook...just a necessity once in a while. Can't bake in Albuquerque?? I know someone who can sell my house ( ;) ) and then I am moving THERE!

Oops...sorry 366 Photo Challenger bloggers...we have tured this into a Martha Stuart Wannabe blogsite!! I bet you wish we would take it elsewhere!

Not A Cook But a Nana in the north(aka Gloria)