Friday, August 22, 2008

Map (227th post - 235th day of the year)


They say "40 is the new 30." Likewise, I think, a GPS is the new map. This was taken in Montana, when we were a couple hundred miles from our destination.


Julie M said...

I worry that nobody will be able to read a map in a few years time! I am becoming pretty addicted to using the GPS - the only problem is I need my kids to operate it for me....

Linda aka Elemobe said...

What a great idea - never thought of that one.

I don't trust mine, once it tried to take me across a ford - which was about 6 ft deep at the time, at midnight (would have made a great midnight theme though!). Also, when I know an area, I realise it always seems to take the really long route :-(.

Not good at reading maps though, so GPS (or Sat Nav as we call them here) is still my better bet.

Deb Campbell said...

cool shot!