Friday, March 14, 2008

20% Completed!

I'm happy to say that I've completed, now, 20% of the themes for this 366 Photo Blog. We are on the 74th day of the year, and I've posted 74! No promises, though, for the future. It's getting harder as the list slims down.


Lisa B said...

Congratulations! If you are like me, you now take pics of themes already done or imagine themes that aren't on the list and take shots of them, yes it will get tougher as we go further ;).

Julie M said...

Well done, Linda! I hope to catch up shortly...

Dogeared said...

I've gotten even more behind - I was doing 12 of 12, and then trying to read everyone else's 12s - which is why I got behind on my 366 Blog readings. But well done you!

suzanne productions said...

Hi Five, Linda!
Now I feel soooo behind. I'll catch up when my grandchildren visit though. That's why I've been practicing so much. They're the ones I really want to take pictures of.