Friday, April 11, 2008

Signs #2 (we won't count this one)

Yes, I already posted my photo for "Signs," (the Roswell UFO Landing Site one), but I couldn't resist taking a picture of this one, too. Pretty cute, isn't it?


Anonymous said...

I vote count it.....#1 is toooo cute!


Anonymous said...

Hee hee..

i just saw this again and I'm still smiling...toadally cute.


Lisa B said...

Funny, but is that how you spell 'towed' or that is part of the joke too? (I ask because I know GB and US English do have different spellings)

Linda Judd said...

Hi Lisa, yes, I know how the humor just doesn't jump the puddle, sometimes.

Princesses and toads just go hand in hand in the US, because of the story of the princess who kisses a toad, and then he turns into a prince.

Lisa B said...

it's me being slow ;0) and not thinking properly, the princesses in fairy stories here kiss frogs (not toads), it's funny how there are these differences.

Linda Judd said...

Yes, Lisa. Sometimes it's a frog here, too. But . . . frog wouldn't have worked for this sign - tee hee.

Dogeared said...

Hee, very cute!